Officially Quigley

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Five Ways to Increase Confidence

Quigs here!

Wow thank you so much for your great feedback and excitement for this blog series!! I am so thrilled you are enjoying it. If you haven't gotten a chance to read my first blog in my CONFIDENCE series - check it out here. There I cover why confidence is SO important to our wellbeing. 

To me, confidence is unique for every person. It may be loud and bold or it may be quiet and refined, but one thing all confident people have in common is their inner sense of peace which creates an effortless high frequency energy. That energy comes from a place of non-judgement and self compassion. It’s contagious! 

Below are five tactical ways you can build your confidence. Let me know in the comments below what your opinion is!!

1. Listen to what you’re saying to yourself

Are you being kind or mean?  Remember: If you think it, you become it. This kind of thinking falls under the category of “Self-Esteem,” or how you value your WORTH. If you catch yourself being a bully, ask yourself, “is this something I would say to my best friend or family member?” If the answer is “no,” DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT SAY IT TO YOURSELF. The kinder you are to yourself, the higher your frequency will be. When you are radiating positive energy, you will radiate confidence.

2. Learn Power Poses

This is a technique I learned from Amy Cuddy. Her theory is that your posture and body language are extremely important to success. Your brain mirrors your body. Your body sends signals to your brain to increase the production of certain neurotransmitters that help with things like concentration and performance in cognitive tasks! When your body feels powerful, you literally become powerful. Power Poses can be anything from standing tall (adjusting your posture) to expanding your arms out wide and screaming, “Universe, I am READY!”

3. Remind yourself of your successes

It’s easy to get in a negative spiral about everything you feel you are doing wrong. We love to punish ourselves when we feel like we aren’t living up to our most productive, perfect selves. Take a moment everyday to breathe deeply and remind yourself of the successes you’ve accomplished - big or small. This will remind you that you have accomplished things in the past so you will be able to do so in the future. You build confidence by knowing you’ve accomplished what you set out to do.

4. Give Back

One of the biggest ways to increase your self-esteem (remember: this is how you value your worth) is to do things for others! Whether it’s donating your time or money to a cause that means a lot to you, or helping out a family member or friend when they’re not expecting it, small acts of giving go a LONG way. In the end, you are helping them, but YOU feel better. Right? 

5. Follow Through

I recently listened to Ed Mylett on The Skinny Confidential Podcast, and WOW, mind blown on this little factoid. Following through with yourself falls under the category of “Self Efficacy” and refers to your ability to accomplish specific tasks. If you aren't doing what you tell yourself you are going to do, you are intrinsically telling yourself you DO NOT BELIEVE you can succeed in this task. This drastically and negatively affects your confidence without you even noticing. So follow through. If you tell yourself you are going to make your bed in the morning, make your freaking bed! You need to be your biggest believer. 

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