Max Turns One: Party Recap
Can you believe I’m a mom to a one-year-old?! We celebrated Max’s first birthday last month, and it was magical! When we started party planning, I knew I wanted the theme to be something Max (and Alex) loved! And then, a quote popped into my head by race car legend Ricky Bobby (🤪) that went a little something like this: “If you’re ain’t first, you’re last,” and I knew exactly what to do. Welcome to Mad Max: Fast One…
In all seriousness, the party was amazing! Being surrounded by friends and family made me realize it takes a village to raise a child, and that village has made this past year nothing short of spectacular!
Photography: @lindseyaphoto
Balloon installation: @wildchildparty
Party props: @platinumprophouse
Cakes and cookies: @cakesbyclaritza
Corndogs: @nicsburgers
Drinks: @juneshineco