A Bucket List Plot Twist with Teavana Craft Iced Tea

This post is in partnership with Teavana, but all opinions are my own.

Ever get an idea and you just can't stop until you make it a reality?

Well… for about a year now, I've been pinning photos of various hot air balloon festivals all over the world, and attending one quickly made its way to the TOP of my bucket list. It just seemed so magical to see so many hot air balloons up in the sky at one time, each balloon a work of art, unique in its own way.

I vowed to enjoy this summer like never before by embarking on totally new, epic experiences, so I decided I had to see the colorful hot air balloons for myself.  I didn't necessarily have the time or money to schedule a trip to Turkey, so naturally I was pretty jazzed when I saw that there was a festival right here in the Golden State coming up in about a week’s time. I convinced my husband, Alex, and my cousin, Kassidy, to drive up to Sonoma with me for the Sonoma County Hot Air Balloon Classic.

Friday, we packed the car with blankets, our cameras,  and our new favorite on-the-go beverage – Teavana Craft Iced Teas – for a spontanteous road trip. I’ve always been a #Teaperson, and these new teas have got me hooked – they’re so refreshing and the flavors truly make my heart happy, inspiring me to live just as boldly as they taste.

Saturday morning, we woke up before the sun to catch the “GLOW,” where the rising sun illuminates each bold, unique balloon before taking flight. From five to ten am there were scheduled hot air balloon rides. BONUS!!!! I was so excited when we got to the festival to try something NEW and get outside of my comfort zone. I usually HATE flying in planes, but something about a balloon just felt like it would be such rush!


PLOT TWIST: A voice boomed over the loud system that the rising of the balloons was to be canceled due to the weather conditions. It was simply too windy to get the balloons off the ground. Families started scurrying off to their cars, and the volunteers ushered people to the exits as balloon owners worked to pack up and strike the fields. I felt my excitement deflate alongside the colorful balloons.


But then, something magical happened… I took a moment took look around.. and I felt my disappointed dissolve into peace. There I was, sitting with two people who loved me SO much that they drove six and a half hours and woke up at three am just to BE there for me. Together, we experienced something so out of the ordinary.

I looked at the teams of people working together to roll up the balloons, and the kids running around with smiles still plastered on their faces… and I had such a moment of clarity. You see, the universe has a funny way of working itself out. I didn't get to check riding in a hot air balloon off my bucket list, but I did have a spontaneous getaway with my loved ones, creating summer memories I won't ever forget.

No one "flew" that morning, but we were all on a high from just trying. It's the journey, not the destination, right?

It was such a refreshing reminder.

It was such a refreshing reminder! And I’m so thankful Teavana Craft Iced Tea inspired me to seek out this like never before experience. Getting to make this memory while enjoying the deliciously refreshing Pineapple Bery Blue Herbal Tea flavor with green rooibos and hibiscus (my fave!) was a bonus. Teavana Craft Iced Teas were the perfect accessory to our unforgettable summer adventure.  

#TeavanaPartner #TeavanaLife

XO, Quigley


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