How I Spent My 1st Day Off in Months
This post is sponsored by First Aid Beauty. All opinions are my own.
For the last couple of months I have been working my butt off to write and produce my upcoming online class, SOULcial Media, and therefore, have had NO DAYS OFF!! As a business owner it's hard enough to give time for yourself, but when you are birthing a baby (so to speak), it's even harder.
When First Aid Beauty approached me and told me they wanted to give me a day of relaxation, ON THEM, I cried a little. I then decided I was going to give myself an entire day to do whatever made me happy. No work. I started thinking... what WOULD I do with an entire day just to myself?? Here's what went down.

I always start my day with my skincare routine. I have to stay on top of this or my face starts to feel it. Ever since college, I've been using First Aid Beauty - no joke! It has always been my GO-TO brand because of its sensitive-skin formula and lack of artificial fragrance (which I'm allergic to). FAB just recently launched their new Ultra Repair Cannabis & Oat Dry Oil and I have started incorporating that into my daily routine. Needless to say, I'm obsessed. My skin has been STRUGGLING this winter with the dry, cold climate here in California, and this oil works to calm the skin and reduce dryness. The Cannabis Sativa Seed Oil is super rich in omegas, which soothes and relieves distressed skin (AKA STRESSED SKIN). Don't let the word oil freak you out because it this product doesn't leave your skin greasy - at all! I couldn't recommend this more.
After moisturizing my face, I drew myself a bath. Not a normal bath, a CUCUMBER bath - cuz it's MY day!! I relaxed, read a book....and had my picture taken (LOL - photos or it didn't happen, am I rightttt?).
Later that day, First Aid Beauty treated me to an incredible massage at a local spa - it was heavenly to say the least. The space was also so lovely, I had to snap some pictures for you all. If you are a Cali Local, you must go here!!
I ended my day spending some extra time with my doggo, Lucy. She is what makes me smile the most, so I treated her to a nice long walk around our neighborhood before lounging on the couch to a long snuggle.
What would YOU do if you had an entire day to do whatever you wanted? Stuff that FUELED you and created happiness within you? Let me know in the comments below!! And make sure to check out First Aid Beauty's new Ultra Repair Cannabis & Oat Dry Oil!
Thanks First Aid Beauty for giving me permission to enjoy a ME DAY. So much love.