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The Perfect Holiday Gift for Skincare Lovers
With the holidays coming up, we’ve all felt the panic of not knowing what to get a loved one. I’ve been there, trust me. Well what if I told you of something that is beautiful AND useful?!

How to Recreate ‘90s Hairstyles
What comes around, goes around. It’s a famous saying that’s often used to describe karma, but it also is the perfect phrase for fashion. We’ve seen the resurgent of retro fits, bell bottoms, and now the ‘90s trends.

Top Beauty Trends for Summer/Fall 2020
Makeup has always been a way for me to express myself. Even though I like to keep it neutral for everyday, I’m no stranger to bold lips and colorful looks. I love scrolling through Pinterest and reading the latest editorial pieces about the beauty trends that are everywhere at the moment. So today, I’m talking about the makeup looks every beauty guru (and I) will be wearing this season!

Bad Hair Day? 3 Ways to Turn it Around
If you’ve seen me, you know I’m no stranger to bad hair days. They’re inevitable and even a little funny but can be annoying when your hair won’t do that one thing you want it to do. Don’t worry; we’ve all been there! These are my tried and true ways that I can turn a bad hair day into a good one when I’m in a pinch.

How I’m Practicing Self-Care
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the world around us that we ignore how our mind and body are feeling. I’ve always wanted to be open about my own journey with mental wellness, so here are four ways I like to practice self-care while at home.

The Perfect Hairdos for the Lazy Girl
Lounging at home comes with its perks. Sweatpants all day, cuddles with my pups, and snuggles with the hubs! With the long days of relaxing, I get lazy sometimes when it comes to my hair routine! Enter my hero: Not Your Mother’s Dry Shampoo.

The Best Lipsticks to Rock This Winter
Though LA is far from the winter wonderland of the Midwest, I still love to dress for the season. Adding a bold lip to your look is way to bring a little of bit sunshine even on the chilliest of days. Today, I’ve compiled my favorite bright lipsticks that will keep you warm all winter long.

Don’t Sweat It - 8 Natural Deodorants That Actually Work
Let’s get real. Traditional deodorant may be doing more harm than good to your body. Many contain aluminum, which has been linked to an increased risk of cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. After my aunt got diagnosed with cancer three years ago, I wanted to integrate more products that were healthy yet effective into my life.

My 3-Step Morning Beauty Routine
Listen, I’ve tried to be a morning person, and it’s hard – like REALLY hard. In the new year, I’m focusing on reinventing my morning routine (detailed in my most recent Instagram) and completing my a.m. skincare routine every day. Today, I want to share with you my beauty faves that make me feel bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.

Multi-Tasking My Way Through the Holidays
It is important to remember to take care of YOURSELF during the season of giving. #ad There are many stressors that take place during the holidays and it can be tough for many people. Between visiting loved ones (or avoiding them), shopping, parties, and not to mention your everyday commitments...I am here to tell you - IT IS OK to ... TAKE A MOMENT FOR YOURSELF.

The Gift of Fragrance for the Holiday
Now that it's November, it's time to start thinking about the holidays. Shopping for gifts can be a challenge - finding luxury gifts with a personal touch can be challenging. I have found that FRAGRANCE can be a perfect solution for this problem. Each fragrance has its own personality, just like my loved ones. Is it sweet? Earthy? Spicy? The fragrance's unique notes make this type of gift PERSONAL.

Top Hair Accessories for Fall
My must-have hair accessories you need this fall (and all year around)!

My Favorite Summer Lip Colors
This might be my most asked question on Instagram ever: "What lipstick are you wearing?!"

Beauty Tip for the Gal on the Go
Alex and I have traveled around Europe quite a bit now and the one thing I always complain about is dry lips. Traveling in airplanes and walking all around different towns can take a toll on your lips. That is why my BIGGEST tip for when you are on the go is a lippie that MOISTURIZES!

How I Spent My 1st Day Off in Months
For the last couple of months I have been working my butt off to write and produce my upcoming online class, SOULcial Media, and therefore, have had NO DAYS OFF!! As a business owner it's hard enough to give time for yourself, but when you are birthing a baby (so to speak), it's even harder.