Welcome to My Diary

Max Turns One: Party Recap
Can you believe I’m a mom to a one-year-old?! We celebrated Max’s first birthday last month, and it was magical!

Top 10 Newborn Essentials
I’m here to give you my 10 must-have things I think you need for your newborn. These products have saved baby (and me) after pregnancy!

Baby Brand Spotlight: Pehr
With baby Max here, I’ve been having such a fun time finding the cutest and practical outfits for him. One company I have really come to love is Pehr. They are a woman-founded and woman-led company that create wonderful products in partnership with ethical manufacturers and craftspeople.

The Postpartum Essentials I’m Loving
A lot of mothers talk about the fun stuff that happens postpartum, like the cute clothes, the nursery and special moments with baby - and you know I’m gonna tell all of that. I also want to be your go-to for all the not-so-fun stuff that comes with the “fourth” trimester.

Baby Max’s Nursery Reveal!
After giving birth early, two hospital stays, and a COVID scare, I finally have some time to share baby Max’s nursery! Many people dream about their wedding day, but I dreamt about my baby’s room.

The Non-Maternity Dress Styles My Bump is Loving
So, I made a bet with myself. At the beginning of my pregnancy, I told myself that I would limit the number of clothes that were deemed “maternity.” I didn’t want them just to end up in a pile post-baby, waiting until the next time they could be worn. One problem: when you go to search for bump-friendly pieces on most retailers’ sites, you’re stuck combing page after page. That’s why it’s important to know the types of styles that work, so you’ll avoid weeding through the masses to find the one piece that will work.

The Summer Cocktails (and Mocktails) You Need to Try
It’s finally summer! One of my favorite things about the season is the fun drinks. Since I’ve been pregnant, I don’t miss alcohol at all, but I still want to celebrate the sunny skies with a bright mocktail.

12 Empowering Books on Baby Goode’s Bookshelf
I have always been such a bookworm, diving into multiple books at the same time. I’m really hoping to pass that gene onto the baby! Books have the power to start conversations, introduce important lessons, and change the world. That’s why I have handpicked every single book that has found a home in his library.

Sex Reveal! It’s a…
It seems just like yesterday I found out I was pregnant, but I guess it’s true when they say time flies when you’re having fun (and growing another human!) We found out a couple weeks ago what Baby Goode’s sex…and guess what?! We’re revealing today!

The First Trimester with Baby Goode
Recently, Alex and I told a really big secret - WE’RE PREGNANT! The outpouring of love and support we received was absolutely amazing and gave us the warm-and-fuzzies! To have a little human growing and developing inside of you is a feeling that unmatched by any other. Since I just entered my second trimester, I wanted to share a few things that helped me get through the morning sickness and turbulence of the first semester. Because mama - you are strong, you will get through this!!